There is a bit of preparation
to do before the pounding can begin. The recipe takes a bit of time but is necessary
if you want the best results. I have used muslin, linen and silk with great success. For a first time attempt I recommend muslin it is the easiest to work with.
Once the material has been treated
and ironed it time for the fun to begin.
Other needed items:
parchment paper
newspaper or some other blotter
plant material
Place newspaper or other protective
paper under the area to be pounded. Place the material on top of the newspaper. The newspaper will serve two purposes; protect the surface being pounded on and deafen
the noise a bit. (Side note: most men are not tolerant of the noise of continual
hammering. So far I have managed to annoy my step father and fiancée with the
Place the material on top of
the newspaper.
Arrange blossoms and leaves one
at a time on the material. These can be taped down in place. Cover with parchment paper.
Using a regular hammer (no rubber
mallets please) firmly pound the flowers. Try a sample piece of material first
to understand how the pigment will transfer. Different blossoms will transfer
more easily than others.
Allow the designs to dry, then iron lightly to "set"
the colors. Some browning and fading will occur.